The Economic and Information Technology Commission of Guangdong Province issued a notice on the three-year action plan for the cultivation and development of emergency industries

Guangdong Economic and Information Technology Commission 本站 2017-09-04 274

Yuejingxin Electric Power [2017] No. 252

Local level to listed economic and information authorities: 

In accordance with the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology's "Emergency Industry Cultivation and Development Action Plan (2017-2019)" (Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Operation [2017] No. 153) deployment, our committee combined with the actual situation of the provincial economy and information system, formulated a three-year action plan for emergency industry cultivation and development, which is now distributed to you。Please take into account local conditions and implement them carefully。

Guangdong Economic and Information Technology Commission

August 31, 2017

Three-year action plan for the cultivation and development of emergency industry

In order to implement the requirements of the "Opinions of The General Office of the State Council on Accelerating the Development of the Emergency Industry", the Notice of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on Issuing the "Action Plan for the Cultivation and Development of the Emergency Industry (2017-2019)", the implementation Opinions of the General Office of the Guangdong Provincial People's Government on Accelerating the Development of the Emergency Industry ", and the "13th Five-Year Plan" for the Emergency Response System of Guangdong Province,In order to clarify the key tasks of the cultivation and development of the emergency industry in our province from 2017 to 2019,We will promote the sustained, rapid and sound development of the emergency response industry,Formulate this action plan。 

First, the general idea 

We will implement the vision of innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development,To ensure emergency response as the goal,Enterprise as the main body, market-oriented,We will strengthen policy guidance and support,Foster new economic growth points,To provide support for supply-side reform,To serve the pan-Pearl River Delta and the "Belt and Road" construction,It has contributed to maintaining steady growth, promoting reform, making structural adjustments, improving people's lives, and preventing risks。 

Strive for 2019,The development environment of emergency industry in our province has been further optimized,The level of industrial agglomeration development has been further improved,Significantly expand in scale,Cultivate two or so large enterprise groups with core competitiveness,About three national emergency response industry demonstration bases with outstanding characteristics will be built,An emergency industrial system that matches the emergency response needs of Guangdong Province and ADAPTS to the integrated development of manufacturing and service industries has been initially established。 

2. Key tasks 

(1) Improving the supply of emergency industries。 

In accordance with the overall arrangements of the state,Actively carry out emergency materials production capacity reserve, special emergency products rental market construction,Make up for the shortage in the supply of emergency industries,We will enhance our ability to ensure supply,Achieve the key moment of special emergency products "produced" and "useful",Accelerate the formation of a series of emergency product solutions,We will promote the development of the emergency response industry to the medium-high end,It can effectively meet the peak demand and production vacancy of some emergency materials when responding to emergencies。 

(2) Strengthen the innovation capacity of the emergency response industry。 

Adhere to government guidance and market leadership, innovate business models, support the establishment of strategic alliances for emergency industry innovation, build an innovation chain integrating basic research, technology development and engineering application, encourage enterprises to improve the application and protection of patents, and promote the capitalization and industrialization of scientific and technological achievements in the emergency industry。Efforts should be made to promote the research of key common technologies in the emergency industry, such as basic materials, key processes, core components, and system integration。We will strengthen the construction of public emergency technology platforms and industrial support platforms, and provide professional services such as technology research and development, project financing, product testing, technical consulting, international certification, and patent protection for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises。 

(3) Promote the application of emergency products and services。 

In accordance with the national overall arrangements, cooperate with the docking of the national emergency products and services information comprehensive platform, and actively strive for national ministries and commissions to implement emergency products and services promotion demonstration projects in our province, build a national emergency industry exhibition and exchange center, and carry out comprehensive application solutions for emergency products and services in typical fields。Support the use of "Internet + emergency services" to promote the application of new emergency services in social security, enterprise security, school security, rural security, family security and other fields of application demonstration。 

(4) Promote the development of emergency industry cluster。 

Relying on the existing industrial parks with emergency industry development foundation to promote the development of emergency industry cluster。To build Shenzhen emergency industry cluster with China Hisense Innovation Industry City as the core, focusing on the development of security, emergency communications and other emergency products, technologies and services。To build a Zhuhai emergency industry cluster with Fushan Industrial Park as the core, focusing on the development of large and medium-sized emergency rescue, emergency products, technologies and services in emergency experience, training, exercise, search and rescue, medical treatment and other aspects。To build a Dongguan emergency industry cluster with Songshan Laobu Emergency industrial Belt as the core, focusing on the development of emergency products, technologies and services in fire rescue, emergency power supply and other aspects。Support qualified industrial clusters to apply for national emergency industry demonstration bases and production capacity reserve bases, and strive to cultivate a total of about three national emergency industry demonstration bases by 2019。 

(5) Cultivate the backbone of the emergency industry。 

Give full play to the exemplary leading role of leading enterprises and backbone enterprises in the emergency industry, and actively extend the upstream and downstream supporting industrial chain。We will make overall use of special financial funds and enterprise service platforms to accelerate the development of small, medium and micro enterprises in the emergency industry with obvious characteristics and strong innovation ability, and form an industrial pattern of coordinated development of large, medium and micro enterprises。Strive to cultivate about two large enterprise groups with core competitiveness by 2019。 

(6) Improve the emergency industry technology and other basic systems。 

In accordance with the overall arrangements of the state, vigorously publicize the guidelines for the construction of the comprehensive standard system for the emergency industry, the certification system and management model for the emergency industry formulated and issued by the State ministries and commissions, as well as the allocation standards for emergency products, emergency services and emergency materials, so as to give full play to the leading role of the standards for the development of the emergency industry。Implement the military-civilian integration development strategy, give full play to the advantages of national defense science and technology resources, and promote the transformation of military technology into the field of emergency response。We will implement the strategy of building a strong cyber country, and promote the application of big data, cloud computing, the Internet of Things and other technologies in the entire process of handling emergencies。 

(7) Strengthen exchanges and cooperation in the emergency response industry。 

Based on the emergency industry cluster in Shenzhen, Zhuhai and Dongguan, the Pan-Pearl River Delta regional emergency technical service Center will be built。Support competitive enterprises to develop in countries along the Belt and Road and other overseas markets。Support social organizations to host important conferences and exhibitions in the field of international emergency response industry。Encourage enterprises to introduce, digest and absorb foreign advanced technology and advanced service concepts in the field of emergency industry to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises。Focus on supporting, cultivating and introducing key link projects of emergency industrial chain。 

Third, safeguards 

1. Strengthening organization and coordination。 

Economic and information technology departments at all levels should ensure the implementation and advancement of various tasks in light of the actual situation。Strengthen overall planning and coordination to form synergy。To increase the emergency industry publicity。Support the construction of emergency industry expert teams and think tanks, and promote the research and formulation of emergency industry development strategies and plans。 

2. Increase policy guidance。 

In accordance with the overall arrangements of the state, explore the establishment of a government-guided investment mechanism for the development of the emergency industry, clarify the development direction of emergency products, technologies and services in the form of catalogs and lists, and guide social resources to increase investment in the emergency industry。Make full use of existing funding channels, support emergency science and technology research and development, industrialization and application demonstration in accordance with regulations, and give full play to the guiding role of financial funds。Encourage social capital to initiate and set up emergency industry development funds。 

(3) Strengthening industry management。 

In accordance with the unified deployment of the State, the emergency industry statistics system has been established, and the prediction and early warning, factor guarantee and coordination services for the operation of the industry have been strengthened。Establish a contact system for key enterprises, and grasp the development trends of emergency industry in a timely manner。Support the healthy development of emergency industry associations and other organizations, and strengthen industry self-discipline and credit evaluation。